WhatRocks is the crypto mobile wallet that helps you keep track of the complimentary crypto for good called Rocks™ you earn from brands and donate to your charities of choice.
No credit card, no fees, no obligation to purchase!
Earn Rocks™ from brands to credit your WhatRocks wallet!
Whenever you click on their posts or stories or social media, scan their WhatRocks QR codes available in their ads, websites, mobile apps, or newsletters, or check in with your WhatRocks mobile app at their stores or restaurants, brands reward you financially with complimentary crypto for good called Rocks™
Day after day, your WhatRocks mobile wallet shows how many Rocks™ you have earned across brands.
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Donate your Rocks™ to your charities of choice
Brands empower you financially with complimentary crypto for good Rocks™ so you can fund the social change you want to see.
Thanks to this crypto for good, make donations to your charities of choice from the list available in your WhatRocks mobile wallet to support the causes you care about.
Make giveback purchases with your Rocks™
Your WhatRocks crypto wallet will soon allow you to make giveback purchases of products, promo codes and brand experiences: the crypto for good used for payment will be donated directly to the charity nominated by the merchant.
Supercharge your earnings!
Complete your user profile and get up to 100% bonus Rocks™: we will use this information to allow brands to give you even more opportunities to earn Rocks™.
WhatRocks is 100% free of charge*
WhatRocks is not interested in your money! Quite the opposite, we partner with brands to give you crypto for good for you to donate. That’s why WhatRocks will never ask for your credit card!
As WhatRocks is based on blockchain, your donations are processed in peer-to-peer directly between you and the charities you want to support. Since blockchain removes intermediaries such as banks or credit card companies to process transactions, there’s no fees or commissions on your donations: 100% of your Rocks™ go to the beneficiary charities*.
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*After deduction of the blockchain fees and banking fees