Rocks™ are fixed-value* crypto for good that are both non-speculative and low-carbon. They are designed solely to make donations or giveback purchases** in the WhatRocks wallet.
Rocks™ are crypto for good for you to donate to your charities of choice from your WhatRocks crypto wallet.
Blockchain technology underpins Rocks™
Blockchain is a distributed ledger that manages a large-scale record of fast, tamper-proof, traceable, and peer-to-peer transactions with cryptography. This revolutionary technology provides security, transparency, immutability, and auditability.
As Rocks™ are blockchain-based fungible tokens monetized by brands, they are a store of value that stakeholders may exchange with no intermediary or centralized authority.
Rocks™ provide a trusted and secure solution to transfer donations quickly with no intermediaries.
A circular giving economy funded by brands
With WhatRocks, brands reward consumers financially with Rocks™ whenever they check in with their WhatRocks mobile app at their stores and restaurants, or whenever they watch or click on their WhatRocks-labeled ads across the web.
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Rocks™ are non-speculative
Unlike most cryptocurrencies and tokens (including NFTs), Rocks™ have a fixed exchange rate: their value does not vary according to supply and demand. In other words, Rocks™ offer no opportunity for capital gain or speculation and are not listed on any public trading exchange platforms.
As Rocks™ may only be used to make donations to charities or make giveback purchases, this digital currency funds social and environmental change.
Rocks™ are low carbon
Rocks™ are issued and distributed through the Stellar blockchain protocol. Unlike other leading blockchain platforms that rely on proof-of-work (such as bitcoin or Ethereum 1) or proof-of-stake (such as Ethereum 2), Stellar created an architecture that builds consensus on federated byzantine agreement (FBA) algorithm to approve transactions.
Thanks to this unique consensus mechanism, Stellar transactions are processed much faster and therefore use far less electricity than other blockchain protocols.
As a matter of fact, Stellar transactions generate less carbon emissions than credit card transactions!
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Rocks™ are regulated by financial market authorities
WhatRocks is licensed by FINMA (the Swiss FInancial Market Supervisory Authority) regarding the issuance and trading of Rocks™. This license provides one of the world’s highest levels of protection in the cryptoasset space to users, brands and charities.
*$1 USD = 1 000 Rocks™
** The Rocks™ used for payment are donated to the charity nominated by the merchant.