
The WhatRocks marketplace is an exciting opportunity for stores and eRetailers to sell giveback offers and deals that support their nominated charity.


Get more business, more loyalty, and more love from your customers!

About WhatRocks


How it works

Suggested giveback offers and deals

Promo codes, products, brand experiences…


Unlock your creativity and come up with your own deals: we’re open to any suggestion!

Benefits for merchants

Drive more traffic to your retail stores and website

Offer complimentary crypto for every visit** to your stores and website to draw new clients and boost visit frequency.

Generate more revenues and boost loyalty

Sell giveback offers and deals (with or without minimum spend) and reward buyers with complimentary crypto for good.

Engage your customers for good

Earmark the crypto that customers use to buy your giveback offers and deals to your nominated charity.


Submit your giveback offers and deals at no cost!


*No fees for the first five retail or online point of sales. Click here for additional point of sales.
** One rewarded visit per day.